Spirit Journeys

Spirit Journeys

Available Tuesdays with Kelly

The popularised term “Shaman” comes from the Tungus tribe in Siberia and translates to “one who see’s in the dark.” In Norway (Where my Grandmother comes from) a Shaman is referred to as Noaidi and their role is to mediate between the human and spirit worlds.

A shaman is a person who uses the ability to see “with the strong eye” or “with the heart” to travel into hidden realms. The shaman interacts directly with helping spirits to address the spiritual aspect of illness and perform soul retrievals, retrieve lost power, as well as remove spiritual blockages.

My role as Shaman is to walk between the worlds, weaving in and out of dimensions and realities to transform energy. I use the beat of my drum as a tether to hold me and ground me as I am working to bring alignment to the earth and to the individual. The Spirit Journey unfolds as a story and every single story is unique.